University Catalog


Today I decided to write to you about International education. From corner to corner we visualize several passive educational systems, where the first step of the education process is based on listening and the second on following.

Our education needs to change, instead of criticizing the new educational models, we need to investigate why in certain communities they work much better than our educational model, the convenient model that puts us in a comfortable situation.

Educating is a mission, teaching is a divine gift achieved by few people focused on building, building a more conscious and just society.

The world is in a constant conflict about the best method to advance scientifically, there is a constant duel between faith and science. But what is actually done without faith? Without believing in the conquest or without seeking the motivation to have a good and new idea.

Education involves great internal changes, it involves the stoning of a rough personality into a polished human being. All this is beyond a certificate, it is in a noble mission to change, to improve voluntarily in the depths of each one, in the union of concepts of faith and science.

The Union of educational institutions creates a wide space for debates, the impact of which is usually overwhelming and can even change the vision and mission of an educational Academy, which is why one cannot think of a single way of teaching, since there is no there is only one way to learn. This is part of every human being’s self-feedback.

UniLogos chose its phrase, a hallmark marked in the heart of the institution: “suae quisque fortuna faber”.

Yes… “Man is the architect of his own destiny”, Frank Miller’s phrase brings us to our true reward, our harvest, fruit of our choices. Being an architect of your own destiny means being intimately connected with your mission in life, with your true will, which is why each step has a special flavor.

Our biggest dream is to build new dreams and to create the possibility of expanding self-pride in the heart of those who achieve their ideal, their way of life, their dream and their success.

As Rector of this noble Institution, I have the mission to be firm without losing my tenderness, I have the mission to lead the process of raising the consciousness of those who come in search of a light, the light of education.


Prof. Dr. Gabriel Lopes Ph.D, DBM, Psy.D
University President

The mission of LOGOS UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL (UNILOGOS) is to provide a high-quality education to a culturally diverse student body in order to prepare them to enter the global workforce, pursue higher education opportunities and serve in their communities.

The university also seeks to expand knowledge through relevant research and publications. UniLogos® has publications in renowned International Journals indexed by Web of Science, Scopus and with quality assessment by the Qualis Capes system of the Brazilian Ministry of Education, a country in which it has one of the highest recognition rates of diplomas by the Federal Government platform and it is registered in the Division of Foreign Institutions of the MEC with the number L489.

In support of this mission, we are committed to:

  • Promote student development, encouraging and sustaining a productive institutional culture of assessment that leads to continuous improvement of academic and administrative programs;
  • Develop an organizational culture that values and encourages intellectual curiosity, a sense of belonging and shared purpose among faculty, students and staff, and the pursuit of excellence in all endeavors;
  • Recruit and develop outstanding faculty to become leaders in their respective fields and internationally recognized academics;
  • Achieve recognition as an effective, innovative, technology- and development-focused educational and research institution;
  • Recruit and retain an excellent, highly select and culturally diverse student body;
  • Broaden the debate on social and professional problems through consolidated studies proposing real and viable solutions;
  • Provide personal and professional growth opportunities for traditional and non-traditional students and faculty and staff members;
  • Secure and maintain professional accreditation for all appropriate programs, directly or indirectly through strategic partnerships.

In the UNILOGOS® university calendar, the academic year is divided into semesters, with periods of activities, exams and vacations. Here is an example of a typical university calendar, divided into two semesters:

Semester I:

  • Student enrollment and registration: January (or recurring depending on the course)
  • Academic activities: February to June
  • Exam period: June to July (or scheduled depending on the course)
  • Summer vacation: July and August

Semester II:

  • Enrollment and registration of students: August
  • Academic activities: September to December
  • Period of exams: scheduled through the course coordinators
  • Winter holidays: December to February

It is important to emphasize that we have a calendar of continuous activities due to the 100% online teaching. Students should be guided through the study plan available by the coordination. In the virtual environment, we offer instructions for the Study, Reflection and Production process (UniLogos Knowledge Curation Methodology).

Our university calendar includes national and local holidays, as well as academic recess periods such as Christmas, Easter or other specific dates. Pay attention to these dates, since the General Secretariat and the General Mediation Center are not available.

Course program prospectus
MBA and DBA                                       Honorary degree


Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Specializations (Available):

  • Finance
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Sports management
  • Operations management
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Information technology and systemsmanagement
  • Strategy
  • Marketing and Sales Management
  • General Administration
  • Human resource Management
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • Leisure studies
  • Leadership
  • Retail Management
  • International Business
  • Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Innovation Management and Design Thinking

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

Specializations available

*full program information can be found in the prospectus

Honorary degree

Doctor of Business Administration (honoris causa)

LOGOS UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL (UNILOGOS) is an educational entity that offers undergraduate, graduate, research and academic extension courses. We play a crucial role in the training and academic and professional development of students through new educational technologies.

Our overview encompasses many aspects, including our mission, organizational structure, course offerings, research, faculty, infrastructure, and outreach activities. Here are some highlights from our overview as a Higher Education institution:

  1. Mission and Values: Our mission and values are aligned and committed to academic excellence, training qualified professionals, promoting research and innovation, and developing social and ethical skills.
  2. Organizational Structure: The organizational structure can be seen in the item “organization chart”, where we are dedicated to presenting our administrative sectors.
  3. Course Offer: We have a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses in different areas of knowledge, such as: human sciences, exact sciences, social sciences, engineering, health, arts, among others. These courses are offered through UNILOGOS® and in some cases together with other universities through cooperation agreements.
  4. Research and Innovation: We encourage scientific research and innovation. We have consolidated research groups that follow our methodology of: Study, Reflection and Production. Such groups discuss professional and social problems through quality scientific articles, broaden their view of the world and professions, develop critically scientific writing and publish in respected scientific journals with the Web of Science index, Scopus and Qualis Capes (Ministry of Education in Brazil). In addition to the consolidated research structure, we have: virtual research centers, academic mobility with around 12 Universities from different countries for joint research and publication, and programs to encourage scientific and technological production.
  5. Faculty: Our faculty is made up of qualified professors and researchers who give their instructions and guide students. They play a key role in the quality of teaching and the academic development of students. They are up-to-date professionals with publications in strategic areas.
  6. Infrastructure: The institution’s infrastructure includes online classrooms, virtual and physical laboratories (our partners), libraries (open model), sports centers (academic mobility with partners) and other resources that support academic activities and student life.
  7. Extension Activities: We offer extension activities to the community, LOGOS UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL (UNILOGOS) maintains access to the Coursera system that provides extension courses through Universities all over the world. In addition, we offer online events in real time (synchronous) with professors and researchers through extension courses, cultural events, continuing education programs, community services and social responsibility projects. We are in our second year of meeting goals and we have won the “social responsibility seal” from ABMES, the Brazilian Association of Higher Education Maintainers. ABMES is the largest organization (association) of sponsors of private higher education institutions in Brazil. It is a very serious body with advisory power before the powers of the republic and the Ministry of Education.

The financial overview of LOGOS UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL (UNILOGOS) involves understanding our financial health, revenue sources and resource allocation. Here are some key elements that describe our financial vision:

  1. Income: UNILOGOS® generally obtains income from various sources. This can include student tuition, alumni and private sector donations, government funding, research grants, industry partnerships and other investments. Diversification of income sources is important to ensure financial stability. We still do not have funding from government bodies, but our legal structure allows us to receive such incentives.
  2. Expenses: UNILOGOS® expenses are diversified and cover several areas. This includes the payment of salaries and benefits for professors, researchers and staff, operating costs (such as utilities, maintenance and office supplies), investments in infrastructure and equipment, research and development costs, scholarships and student assistance, among others.
  3. Budget: We operate on an annual budget. The budget is drawn up taking into account expected revenues and planned expenses. It serves as a guide for allocating resources in different areas such as teaching, research, infrastructure and student support services.
  4. Fundraising: We develop our fundraising programs to supplement your revenues. This may involve fundraising campaigns, soliciting donations from alumni and corporate partners, establishing foundations or affiliated institutions, among other efforts to raise additional financial resources beyond the monthly student dues.
  5. Endowment: UNILOGOS® does not yet have an endowment fund in operation, but it has an organized plan for the establishment of such a fund. The fund is made up of donations and long-term investments and aims to generate sustainable income to support academic and institutional activities over time.
  6. Financial Management Policies: We have a financial management project in place to ensure the efficient and responsible use of resources. This may include accountability processes, financial audits, strategic financial planning, cost control and implementing measures to mitigate financial risks. Until the year 2023, UNILOGOS® does not have loans or any type of payment commitment based on bank financing, which brings security in the management of its resources.
  7. Financial Sustainability: Our financial overview also addresses the institution’s financial sustainability. This involves UNILOGOS®’s ability to balance its income and expenses over the long term, ensuring that it has adequate resources to meet academic, research and infrastructure needs, as well as to face unforeseen financial challenges.

A Master’s degree (from Latin magister) is an academic degree awarded by universities or colleges upon completion of a course of study demonstrating mastery or a high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional practice.

A master’s degree typically requires previous study at the bachelor’s level, either as a separate degree or as part of an integrated course. Within the area studied, Master’s graduates are expected to possess advanced knowledge of a specialized body of theoretical and applied topics; high-order skills in analysis, critical evaluation, or professional application; and the ability to solve complex problems and think rigorously and independently.

The master’s degree goes back to the origins of European universities, with a papal bull of 1233 decreeing that anyone admitted to the master’s degree at the University of Toulouse should be allowed to teach freely at any other university. The original meaning of master’s was therefore that someone who had been admitted to the master’s degree (degree) (i.e. professor) at one university should be admitted to the same level at other universities. This gradually became formalized as the licentia docendi (license to teach). Originally masters and doctors were not distinguished, but in the fifteenth century it became customary in English universities to refer to professors in the lower faculties (arts and grammar) as masters and those in the higher faculties as physicians. Initially, the Bachelor of Arts (BA) was awarded for studying the trivium and the Master of Arts (MA) for studying the quadrivium.

From the late Middle Ages to the 19th century, the degree standard was therefore to have a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in the lower faculties and to have a Bachelor’s and Ph.D. in the higher faculties. In the United States, the first master’s degrees (Magister Artium or Master of Arts) were awarded at Harvard University shortly after its founding. In Scotland, the pre-Reformation universities (St Andrews, Glasgow and Aberdeen) developed so that the Scottish MA became their first degree, while at Oxford, Cambridge and Trinity College, Dublin, the MA was awarded to BA graduates from a certain position without further examination from the end of the seventeenth century, its main objective is to confer full membership in the university. At Harvard, regulations from the 1700s required applicants for the MA to pass a public examination, but in 1835 this was awarded the Oxbridge style three years after the BA.

Unilogos® Masters comprise a careful pedagogical project of 36 study credits (1080h), the whole process goes through 4 committees made up of researchers.

Note: Data from the International Standard Classification of Education ( United Nations Statistics Division: UN Classifications Registry, retrieved 30-03-2011)

Other Reference Sources:

Walter Arthur Donnelly (1941). Degrees Authorized by the University of Michigan. The University of Michigan, an Encyclopedic Survey. University of Michigan. P. 294.

“Master’s Degree Characteristics Statement” (PDF). QAA. September 2015. Retrieved 9 February 2019.

Chambers w. And r, ltd (1862). Edinburgh University. Chambers’s Encyclopaedia • volume III.

“History of Medieval Education, Middle Ages European Learning”. Academic Apparel. Retrieved 8 August 2016.

“Structure of the U.S. Education System: Master’s Degrees”. United States Department of Education. February 2008.


A Doctorate (from Latin docere, “to teach”) or doctorate (from Latin Doutor, “teacher”) or doctorate, is an academic degree awarded by universities, derived from the ancient formalism licentia docendi (“license to teach”). In most countries, it is a research degree that qualifies the holder to teach at university level, or to work in a specific profession. There are a variety of names for doctorates; the most common is the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), which is awarded in a variety of fields, from humanities to scientific disciplines.

In the United States and some other countries, there are also some types of vocational, technical or professional courses that are called doctorates. The professional doctorate historically emerged to meet the needs of professionals in a variety of disciplines. However, the need for these degrees can vary greatly across disciplines, making their meaning unclear.

Many universities also award honorary doctorates to individuals deemed worthy of special recognition, either for scholarly work or for other contributions to the university or society.

The term Doctor derives from Latin, which means “teacher” or “instructor”. The doctorate (Latin: doctoratus) appeared in medieval Europe as a license to teach Latin (licentia docendi) at a university. Its roots can be found in the early church where the term Doctor referred to the apostles, church fathers and other Christian authorities who taught and interpreted the Bible.

The right to award a licentia docendi (i.e. the doctorate) was originally reserved for the Catholic church, which required the candidate to pass a test, take an oath of loyalty and pay a fee. The Third Lateran Council of 1179 granted access – at that time largely free – to all eligible candidates. Candidates were tested for aptitude. This right remained a point of contention between church authorities and universities, which were slowly drifting away from the Church. In 1213 the right was granted by the pope to the University of Paris, where it became a universal license to teach (licentia ubiquie docendi). However, while the licentiate continued to enjoy greater prestige than the baccalaureus (baccalaureus), the latter was eventually reduced to an intermediate step towards the master’s (magister) and doctorate, both of which came to be the accepted qualifications in teaching. According to Keith Allan Noble (1994), the first doctorate was awarded in medieval Paris around 1150 by the University of Paris.

Unilogos® Doctorates comprise a careful pedagogical project of 60 study credits (2400h), the entire process goes through 4 committees made up of researchers.

Note: Data from the International Standard Classification of Education ( United Nations Statistics Division: UN Classifications Registry, retrieved 30-03-2011)

Other Reference Sources:

Verger, J. (1999), “Doctor, doctoratus”, Lexikon des Mittelalters, 3, Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, pp. 1155–1156

Keith Allan Noble, Changing doctoral degrees: an international perspective, Society for Research into Higher Education, 1994, p. 8.

Doctor of Philosophy. Doctor of Legal Science. Master of Laws by Research. Master of Taxation by Research. Faculty of Law, The University of New South Wales 2009

“American Studies”. Embassy of the United States Brussels. Retrieved 1 October 2016. The degree is open to everyone (including non-Belgians) who has earned the B.A. (in Belgium: licentiaat or license) or an equivalent degree

“Doctoral degree characteristics” (PDF). Quality Assurance Agency. September 2011. p. 12. Retrieved 18 June 2017. The first Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in the UK was awarded by the University of Oxford in 1917

Bachelor’s degrees in the United States are typically designed to be completed in four years of full-time study, although some programs (such as engineering or architecture) take five, and some universities and colleges allow ambitious students (often with summer help). school, who are taking too many classes each semester, or who have existing credit on the College Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate exams) to complete them in less than three years. Some US colleges and universities have a separate academic track known as an “honors” or “academics” program, usually offered to the highest percentile of students (based on GPA), which offers more challenging courses or more seminars or research projects individually targeted. instead of the standard core curriculum. These students receive the same bachelor’s degree as students who complete the standard curriculum, but with cursu honorum notated on the transcript and diploma. Generally, the above Latin honors are separate from the notation for this honors course, but a student on the honors course generally must maintain grades worthy of at least cum laude notation anyway. Thus, a graduate can receive a diploma Artium Baccalaureatum rite or Artium Baccalaureatum summa cum laude in the regular course or Artium Baccalaureatum summa cum laude in cursu honorum in the honors course.

If the student has completed the requirements for an honors degree only in a specific discipline (e.g., English language and literature), the degree is designated accordingly (e.g., B.A. with Honors in English). In this case, the graduate candidate will complete the normal curriculum for all subjects except the selected subject (“English” in the previous example). Requirements in both cases usually call for completion of private honors seminars, independent research at a higher level than normally required (often with greater personal supervision by faculty than usual), and an honors thesis written in the main subject.

Many universities and colleges in the United States award bachelor’s degrees with Latin honors, usually (in ascending order) cum laude (“with honor/commendation”), magna cum laude (“with great honor/commendation”), summa cum laude (“with greatest honor”). honor/praise”), and sometimes seen maxima cum laude (“with utmost honor/praise”).

Requirements for such honors notations usually include minimum grade point averages (GPA), with the highest average required for summa distinction (or maximums, where such distinction is present). For some schools such as Bates College, Carleton College, Colby College, Middlebury College, Guilford College, Franklin College Switzerland and larger universities such as the University of Virginia, Princeton University, Carolina State University of North, University of Massachusetts Amherst. a senior thesis for degrees in the humanities or laboratory research for natural science (and sometimes social science) degrees is also required. Five notable exceptions are Reed College, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Evergreen State College, Sarah Lawrence College, and Bennington College, which have no dean’s lists, Latino recognitions, or degree programs or disciplines.

Learn more about the Bachelor’s Degree:

“WVU Honors College”. Archived from the original on 4 February 2013. Retrieved 30 December 2012.

Panacci, Adam G. (2014). “Baccalaureate Degrees at Ontario Colleges: Issues and Implications”. The College Quarterly. Retrieved 10 February 2014.

Baccalaureate from the Online Etymology Dictionary ( Retrieved 21 December 2011.

“Bachelor’s + Master’s in Just Three Years”. University of Buckingham. Retrieved 6 August 2016.

“Regulations for Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates”. Statutes and Regulations. University of Oxford. 16 September 2015. Conversion of BLitt, BPhil, and BSc to MLitt, MPhil, and MSc. Retrieved 6 August 2016.

Financial Information & 2022-2023 Fee Schedule

Logos University International (UniLogos) reserves the right to change fees and other charges that the Board of Trustees considers to be in accord with sound management.

The course programs have a single price and can be divided into monthly, semester or annual fees.

Each course program has its specific portfolio regulation, you can access our course portfolio with investment, disciplines, methodology and all other information through the “courses” field.

Our billing may occur by bank transfer and credit card. Monthly payments are due on the 10th of each month.In the case of semi-annual payment, maturity will occur in February and July of each year.Different forms of payment and divisions can be combined in a contract when enrolling in the course program.

At LOGOS UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL (UNILOGOS), we value and promote an inclusive environment where all people are treated with dignity, respect and equality. Our policy is clear: we do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.

We are committed to providing a learning, working and living environment free from discrimination, harassment or intimidation. We are committed to fostering diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities for all members of our university community.

This non-discrimination policy applies to all areas of our university, including admissions, enrollment, hiring, promotions, assignment of responsibilities, benefits, access to academic programs and activities, as well as the social environment and all other policies and practices. of the institution.

We encourage our community members to report any incidents of discrimination, harassment or bullying. Our aim is to promptly investigate all allegations, take appropriate action and, where necessary, apply disciplinary sanctions in accordance with established policies and procedures.

In addition, we are committed to providing resources and support for those who have been affected by any form of discrimination. We are committed to providing awareness and training programs to educate our community on the importance of diversity, inclusion and mutual respect.

We reaffirm our commitment to comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to non-discrimination. We will work continuously to promote a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our community, valuing diversity of experiences, perspectives and ideas.

Non-discrimination is a core value of our university, and every member of our community plays an important role in fostering a respectful and inclusive environment. Together, we can create a university community that celebrates and values diversity, promoting academic excellence and equal opportunities for all.

If you are a member of our institution and have suffered any type of discrimination, we encourage you to write to our ombudsman, we will act in compliance with all laws, complying with our regulations

Our university’s reimbursement policy was developed to ensure transparency and fairness in dealing with situations involving the return of amounts paid by students. We recognize that unforeseen circumstances may arise, leading to the need to cancel enrollments or request a refund.

  1. The following is a summary of the basics of our refund policy:
    Cancellation of Enrollment Before the Start of the Term: Students who cancel their enrollment before the start of the term (within 7 days of signing the course agreement) will be entitled to a full refund of the registration fees and other academic fees paid. However, non-refundable administrative fees may apply as set out in the university’s financial guidelines.
  2. Enrollment Cancellation During the Term: Students who choose to cancel the enrollment during the term may be eligible for a partial refund of fees paid, which refer to advance payment of contract installments. The amount to be refunded will be calculated based on the refund policy established by the university, considering the percentage of the academic term already elapsed and any applicable non-refundable fees.
  3. Refund Policy for Specific Programs: Some specific programs may have different refund policies due to factors such as duration, additional costs and specific requirements. These policies will be clearly communicated to students at the time of enrollment and must be followed in the event of cancellation.
  4. Reimbursement Request Process: Students wishing to request a refund must follow the process established by the university. This typically involves completing the Miscellaneous Request form and providing supporting documentation, if applicable, and awaiting review and processing by the responsible administrative team.

It is important to note that each refund request will be evaluated individually, taking into account established policies and guidelines. Refund policies may be updated from time to time to meet current needs and regulations.

We encourage all students to read and understand the university’s refund policy, available on our institutional website, and to contact finance or administration with any specific questions regarding reimbursement.

The course contract establishes payment rules/norms and course contract termination procedure, be aware of the obligations of the contract establishing rights and duties.

Our aim is to handle each reimbursement request fairly and efficiently, ensuring that students receive proper treatment and amounts due, within the limits established by institutional policy.

To request more information write to: 

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