Educational Quality
at your fingertips.

Logos University® France

Logos University®  is an internationally accredited University that offers opportunities for your growth. Since 2006 creating bridges of friendship and making dreams come true through double degree programs through the Knowledge Curation methodology

What we Do

International Programs – Knowledge Curation Methodology

See the offer of programs at the Bachelor’s level here

See here the offer of programs at the Master’s level

See here the offer of programs at the Doctoral level

Our methodology

Our focus is to prepare the professional as a constant researcher. We invest in studies and publications that can positively impact the academic and scientific community.

How to Apply for one of our Course Programs?

We have a dynamic selection system for new candidates. Log in and learn more about how it all works


Dr. Henry Oh

Currently the Executive Director, Department Chair and Clinical Professor of Health Occupations at Idaho State University College of Technology. He is an Honorary Professor at Logos University®, has over twenty (20) years of academic experience in various capacities such as clinical director, program director, associate dean, and dean of teaching and learning excellence. 

Part of his clinical experience was in trauma, emergency and critical care in the Middle East during the Gulf War in the 1990s.

Staff & Faculty

Employees are one of our best assets. Supporting our students to progress, providing quality education and going beyond is in our nature. Logos University® staff and faculty are highly qualified, international and passionate about their role in the academic and scientific community.

University Administration

The Board of Directors deliberates on administrative, economic, financial, planning and budget matters, people management and on social, work and living relationships, in accordance with the annual work schedule and budget guidelines established by Logos University®.

LOGOS UNIVERSITY® is Accredited by the Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC). The University has earned Premier status through ASIC for its commendable areas of operation. ASIC is recognized by the UKVI in the UK, is a member of the American Council on Higher Education and Accreditation (CHEA) International Quality Group (CIQG) in the USA, is listed in their International Directory, is a member of the BQF (British Quality Foundation) and is institutional member of EDEN (European Distance Foundation and E-Learning Network).