Know about us

Logos University®
French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education, Research and Innovation
Logos University® is a private higher education establishment authorized by the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education, Research and Innovation, in accordance with and in compliance with the French Education Law: Code de l’Education Articles L 444-1 a 444-11 and R 444-1 to 444-28.
International Accreditation
Accreditation by IEAC – International Education Accreditation Council
Logos University International (UniLogos) has international accreditation granted by the International Education Accreditation Council (IEAC), attesting to the excellence of its areas of operation.
The IEAC – International Education Accreditation Council is widely recognized both in the United Kingdom and internationally, standing out for its affiliation with associations of great global relevance, including: the European Association for International Education (EAIE), the ABED – Brazilian Distance Education Association (member MEC – Brazil), the International Vocational and Technical Education Association (IVETA), the East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS), the British Quality Foundation (BQF), the International Association of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL), the Association of Arab Universities (AARU), the Accreditation Service for International Qualifications (ASIQUAL), the International Academic and Management Association (IAMA) and the Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée (AILA).
Accreditation by the Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency, Kyrgyz Republic (IARC/NIARS)
Logos University International (UniLogos) has achieved Institutional Accreditation by the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating of the Kyrgyz Republic (IARC/NIARS). The organization is recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic. In March 2022, it established cooperation with the Agency for Quality Assurance of Education and Career Development. It is internationally recognized as a Full Member of the International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE)
Accreditation by MACCA – Mercosul Accreditation Agency
MACCA (Mercosur Accreditation Agency) is a private entity specializing in institutional and programmatic accreditation for higher education, with a focus on Quality Assurance (QA). ISO 9001:2015 certified, MACCA stands out for its international presence and commitment to high academic quality standards. The agency maintains strategic partnerships with various international accreditation organizations and is doubly accredited by renowned private and governmental institutions such as GAFM/AAPM, ABED, BSKG, USHEAC, IARC, CACEB, Edu.Int, EAHEA, QAHE, and ELQN. Additionally, it is recognized by other prestigious global agencies.
MACCA is also a strategic partner of ABED (Brazilian Association for Distance Education), an organization linked to the National Education Forum, established by Ordinance No. 1,407 of the Ministry of Education, published in the Official Gazette on December 16, 2010. ABED is internationally recognized by the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE). Furthermore, MACCA’s international credibility is enhanced by the strategic consultancy of Dr. George Mentz, a renowned international jurist and former White House Education Commissioner (USA).
International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) – CHEA, U.S.A.
Logos University International, UniLogos® is an Educational Member of the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE), An Educational Member of the IACBE is an academic business unit that has met the IACBE’s requirements for membership and has affirmed its commitment to excellence in business education. For more information on Educational Membership and the IACBE, please visit the IACBE website:
IACBE is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) programmatic accrediting organization for business programs in the U.S. since January 2011.
Logos University® is a member of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) and an Active Member of the UN Impact Academy.
INQAAHE – The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education is a worldwide association of over 300 organizations active in the theory and practice of quality assurance in higher education.
Logos University® is an accredited University, reached a high quality standard in several items evaluated by a globally respected Agency.
It has a domain (, restricted to recognized and Accredited Universities.
The Department of International Programs works with programs from partner Universities. Our students will have access to quality study with degrees from world-renowned Universities
What is our Mission?

bringing knowledge to all social stages, always priming for the good and the fair.
being a mounting spring for the progress of society, making education the principle basic of social change.

A Message from our President
Prof. Dr. Gabriel Lopes (Psy.D, DBM, Ph.D)
University President | Hon. Colonel Alabama State and Kentucky State
Today I decided to write to you about International education. From corner to corner we visualize several passive educational systems, where the first step of the education process is based on listening and the second on following.
Our education needs to change, instead of criticizing the new educational models, we need to investigate why in certain communities they work much better than our educational model, the convenient model that puts us in a comfortable situation.
Educating is a mission, teaching is a divine gift achieved by few people focused on building, building a more conscious and just society.
The world is in a constant conflict about the best method to advance scientifically, there is a constant duel between faith and science. But what is actually done without faith? Without believing in the conquest or without seeking the motivation to have a good and new idea.
Education involves great internal changes, it involves the stoning of a rough personality into a polished human being. All this is beyond a certificate, it is in a noble mission to change, to improve voluntarily in the depths of each one, in the union of concepts of faith and science.
The Union of educational institutions creates a wide space for debates, the impact of which is usually overwhelming and can even change the vision and mission of an educational Academy, which is why one cannot think of a single way of teaching, since there is no there is only one way to learn. This is part of every human being’s self-feedback.
Unilogos chose its phrase, a hallmark marked in the heart of the institution: “suae quisque fortuna faber”.
Yes… “Man is the architect of his own destiny”, Frank Miller’s phrase brings us to our true reward, our harvest, fruit of our choices. Being an architect of your own destiny means being intimately connected with your mission in life, with your true will, which is why each step has a special flavor.
Our biggest dream is to build new dreams and to create the possibility of expanding self-pride in the heart of those who achieve their ideal, their way of life, their dream and their success.
As President of this noble Institution, I have the mission to be firm without losing my tenderness, I have the mission to lead the process of raising the consciousness of those who come in search of a light, the light of education.
Message from the Rector and Vice-Rector

Douglas P. Costa
Professor & Master in Education
"Having the opportunity to do my Masters in Education at Logos University® was a significant milestone in my personal, academic, scientific and professional (self)development. From the recognition in Brazil, via the Carolina Bori Platform, new paths were opened in my trajectory, the result of this investment and this achievement."

Shirley Freitas
Professor & Master degree
It is with gratitude and immense joy that I share the recognition of my master's degree by the Carolina Bori platform of the Federal Government of Brazil, attended and concluded with ethical cut by Logos University Internacional. I cannot fail to mention my supervisor Professor Eduardo Fofonca and Professor Gabriel and his team for the transparency and seriousness with which they conduct the institution. I am grateful for the constant appreciation given to the students, which, within the guidelines and norms of the law, enabled us to succeed in the recognition of the diploma. Gratitude for the achievement that will certainly contribute a lot in my academic and professional portfolio.

Mônica Brancovan
Master degree
"I thank God and my family for making my dream (goal) come true with a lot of effort, discipline and dedication. The Logos University® institution for providing an opportunity for a study of excellence, where my objectives are to improve my skills and abilities in the Master's in Education course, which, after graduation, was recognized in Brazil through the Carolina Bori Platform of the Brazilian Federal Government. My most sincere thanks, a big hug!"

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University Administration

(BBA, LLM, MBA, ME.d, PsyD, Ed.D, Ph.D, D.BM, D.HC, P.Ph.D) Gabriel César Dias Lopes
University President
Gabriel César Dias Lopes
University President
Click and learn more about our President.

(BBA, D.BM)Pollyanna C. Pereira Lopes
University Vice President
Pollyanna C. Pereira Lopes
University Vice President
Doctorate of Business Management (IIBMRT, KU) ○ Bachelor of Business Administration (UNIFESO University – Brazil)

(BA, MBA, STI, LLB, DHC, BTH, MAd, DED, PHD)Prof. Dr. William A. Harrison
University Rector
Prof. Dr. William A. Harrison
University Rector
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburg, Scotland/Canterbury University, Cheshire, UK (Dual Program) Doctorate Business Administration (DBA) and Bachelor of Laws in Law (LLB) ○ University of Cambridge – International, Cambridge, UK | PhD, Social Psychology, 1999 ○ University of Cambridge (University of Georgia Fellowship Extension) – Cambridge, UK ○ M.B.A., Management, and Global Operations, 1996
In addition to being a Knight of the Order of Rizal, recognized by the Government of the Philippines, the American Dr. William A. Harrison is Honorary Colonel for the State of Kentucky.

(BBA, BSc-Psych, MBA, DHC, BTH, MAd, DED, P.HD)Prof. Dr. Amanda Lee Holmes
University Vice Rector
Prof. Dr. Amanda Lee Holmes
University Vice Rector
Ph.D in Health Sciences (psychiatric reabilitation), Central Christian University, MW ○ Masters of Science in Masters of Science in Healthcare Administration, Trident University International Cypress, CA ○ Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Specialization Health Services Management, St. Leo University, St Leo, FL ○ Associates of General Studies, University of Louisiana Lafayette, LA
Dr Amanda Lee Holmes, in addition to being a certified psychologist and counselor,
is a veteran of the Louisiana state militia, decorated by the
President of the United States.

University International Chancellor
Prof. Dr. Bensson V. Samuel
University International Chancellor
Dr Bensson V Samuel, in addition to having his full training in medicine, is a member of the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
Click to see more about our International Chancellor.

(PhD, RRT-NPS, MLS, CBiol, CSci, FAARC, FRSB)Prof. Dr. Henry Oh
University International Director
Prof. Dr. Henry Oh
University International Director
Dr Henry Oh, Educator, Leader & Clinical Practitioner (Registered Respiratory Therapist with Neonatal Pediatric Specialty, Medical Laboratory Scientist, Chartered Biologist) PhD in Health Professions.
Click to see more about our International Director.
Academic Council
The Academic Council is a voluntary activity that directs its actions towards social results. It is the consultative and deliberative body responsible for defining the organization and functioning of the academic area in technical, educational and scientific areas, with inseparable functions in the areas of teaching, research and extension, together with the Senior Administration bodies of Logos University®
- Dr. Gabriel Lopes
President of the Academic Council - Dr. Rogerio Florencio
Member of the Academic Council - Dr. Kemal Yildirim
Member of the Academic Council - Dr. Cheong Ming Lam
Member of the Academic Council - Dr. Zoran Vitorovic
Member of the Academic Council - Dr. Aleksandar Nikolic
Member of the Academic Council - Dr. Pollyanna Lopes
Member of the Academic Council - Dr. Stewart Thompson
Member of the Academic Council - Dr. Stuart W. Ross
Member of the Academic Council - Dr. Theodor G. Seitz
Member of the Academic Council - Dr. Arvind K Sharma
Member of the Academic Council - Dr. Craig Paterson
Member of the Academic Council - Dr. Jovan Kovacic
Member of the Academic Council - Dr. Stephan Breu
Member of the Academic Council - Dr. Bikash Sharma
Member of the Academic Council
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors deliberates on administrative, economic, financial, planning and budget matters, people management and on social, work and living relationships, in accordance with the annual work schedule and budget guidelines established by Logos University®. The work of the Administrative Council joins the University’s pedagogical system in order to support the routines that are adopted for the good practice of teaching, research and extension.
President: Dr. Gabriel C. D. Lopes (Founder – Charmain)
Vice President: Dr. Pollyanna C.P. Lopes
Rector Ad Vitam: Dr. Gabriel C.D. Lopes
Rector: Dr. William A. Harrison
Vice Rector: Dr. Amanda Lee Holmes
Executive Vice President: Dr. Dion P. Shuencvk
Honorary President: Dr. Nilton Elias de Sousa
Honorary Rector: Dr. Shefki Hysa (Gov. Mission for Peace and Prosperity US/Albania)
Honorary Rector: Dr. Zoran Vitorovic
International Chancellor: Dr. Bensson V Samuel
Secretary General: Helen Macedo
Secretary: MsC Elias Abrao Neto
Legal Adviser: Dr. Alex Sandro Dias (OAB: 139.882/RJ)
Director of Health and Safety: Prof. Dr. Bensson V Samuel, MD, PhD, DBA
Executive Director of Education: Dr. Dulcilene S. Ribeiro
Director of Public Notary: Dr. Jonathan Asseraf
Director of International Relations for Brazil: Dr. Rogerio Florencio
International Director for France: Dr. Simon Marie
Institutional Director: Dr. Uanderson Pereira da Silva
Director of Visual Media: Mr. Rogerio dos Reis Ferreira
Marketing Director: Dr. Luciano Debastiani
Director General of the Faculty of Modern African Studies: Prof. Dr. Tonis Breidel Hadjidemetriou
Director of the Faculty of Arts of Modern African Studies: Prof. Dr. Ioannis Vlazakis