Affiliation, Recognition and Accreditation

Logos University® is a private higher education establishment authorized by the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education, Research and Innovation, in accordance with and in compliance with the French Education Law: Code de l’Education Articles L 444-1 to 444-11 and R 444-1 to 444-28.

Logos University® stands out for its commitment to educational excellence, adopting an innovative approach called “Knowledge Curation”. As an internationally accredited institution, Logos prioritizes the continuous education of its students, fostering research and academic publication. The university holds renowned accreditations such as IEAC, ISO 9001:2015, and is affiliated with MACCA, ensuring rigorous quality standards. With a team of highly qualified faculty and staff, Logos University contributes significantly to global academic output and is frequently mentioned in major media outlets.



International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) – CHEA, U.S.A.

Logos University® is an Educational Member of the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE), An Educational Member of the IACBE is an academic business unit that has met the IACBE’s requirements for membership and has affirmed its commitment to excellence in business education. For more information on Educational Membership and the IACBE, please visit the IACBE website:

IACBE is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) programmatic accrediting organization for business programs in the U.S. since January 2011.

Logos University® is a private higher education establishment authorized by the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education, Research and Innovation, in accordance with and in compliance with the French Education Law: Code de l’Education Articles L 444-1 a 444-11 and R 444-1 to 444-28.

To consult UniLogos in the French Ministry of Education directory go to: click here, in the query field write UniLogos® and click on in the query field write UniLogos®

These comprehensive regulations ensure that private distance education organizations maintain high standards comparable to public institutions, thus protecting the interests of students and maintaining the integrity of the educational system.

Operations-Related Aspects

The French Ministry of National Education outlines strict guidelines for the operations of private distance education organizations. These guidelines ensure that the standards of education provided are comparable to those in public educational establishments. Key aspects include:

  1. Program Conformity: The curriculum of private distance education must align with the declared programs (Article R.444-14, 1°).
  2. Regularity and Sufficiency: There must be a sufficient number of qualified teachers relative to the student enrollment, and all teaching methods must meet defined educational standards (Article R.444-14, 3°).
  3. Inspection and Control: These organizations are subject to regular inspections by members of the Ministry of National Education to ensure compliance with the set standards, covering educational content, teaching methods, and even financial management if public funds are involved (Article R.444-16).

Organizational Structure

The organizational structure of private distance learning institutions must meet specific criteria to ensure proper governance and effective delivery of education:

  1. Management Requirements: Managers must possess the necessary diplomas, titles, and references, and have a minimum of five years of teaching experience. Exceptions can be made by the rector for individuals with higher qualifications (Article R.444-11).
  2. Compliance and Discipline: Organizations are subject to educational and, in some cases, financial oversight by the rector of the academy. Disciplinary actions can be taken against the institutions or their staff if they fail to comply with the regulations (Articles L.444-3 and L.444-5).

Faculty Qualifications

The qualifications required for teaching staff in private distance education are comparable to those in public educational institutions. Specific requirements include:

  1. Minimum Qualifications: Teachers must have diplomas and titles equivalent to those required in public establishments for the same level of education (Article R.444-11).
  2. Moral and Professional Standards: Teachers and managers must meet moral and professional standards as defined by the decree. Foreign teachers from outside the European Economic Area must be authorized by the rector (Article L.444-5).

Student Learning

The regulations emphasize ensuring high-quality student learning experiences through well-defined educational programs and support structures:

  1. Detailed Study Plans: Each study plan must include detailed information about the curriculum, required student work, lesson scheduling, and the necessary prior knowledge (Article R.444-16).
  2. Educational Support: Institutions must provide robust educational assistance services, timely delivery of learning materials, and effective feedback on student work (Article R.444-14, 5°).
  3. Health and Safety Compliance: Any physical premises used for student gatherings must comply with health and safety regulations and be adequately equipped for the course material and student numbers (Article R.444-14, 6°).


The diplomas, titles and references required to teach in a private distance education organization cannot be lower, when the subject which is the subject of distance education is provided in public educational establishments, than those who are required for admission to teaching in public establishments of the corresponding nature and level. In other cases, the qualification required takes into account the nature and level of the education in question.

To manage a private distance learning organization, it is necessary to demonstrate, in addition to the diplomas, titles and references required to teach in this organization, five years of teaching duties in any educational establishment. However, the rector of the academy may exempt from this last condition any person who has diplomas, titles and references higher than those normally required.



A study plan, annexed to the contract, further specifies, in accordance with the second paragraph of Article L. 444-7:

1° The teaching program, the nature and content of the disciplines studied, the minimum number of work of all kinds required of the student, the staggering of lessons and work over time;

2° The level of prior knowledge necessary to undertake the study of this program, assessed by reference to the diplomas and qualifications required to follow education of an equivalent level in a public educational establishment;

3° The level of studies, assessed by reference to that of their first completion and, where applicable, to that of the corresponding studies in public education;

4° The average duration of studies, assessed in number of hours, taking into account the student’s prior level of knowledge as it results from his written declarations and the diplomas and titles he holds.



The control is carried out by members of the inspection bodies of the Ministry of National Education and by members of the competent inspection bodies of the ministerial departments responsible for the teaching provided by the private distance learning organization.

For courses at a higher education level, supervision is carried out by public higher education teachers accompanied, where appropriate, by people chosen for their competence. These teachers are designated, after advice from the president of the university to which they depend, by the rector of the academy, after possible consultation with the competent representative of the minister responsible for the education provided.

Logos University® has received EDU (Intergovernmental Organization) accreditation

EDU was established by the Palau Ministry of Education in cooperation with the United Nations, with the aim of promoting quality education and international cooperation among higher education institutions. Being accredited by EDU is a milestone that places Logos University among the institutions that adhere to the most rigorous criteria of academic quality and innovation.

The Seriousness of Accreditation in Higher Education

Accreditation is not just a seal of quality; it is a commitment to excellence and educational responsibility. It ensures that our students receive an education aligned with the demands of the global market, preparing them for the challenges of the future with competence and ethics.

Logos University  has achieved Institutional Accreditation by the Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic (IARC/NIARS), an organization recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.

IARC maintains close cooperation with the Education Quality Control and Career Development Agency, a widely recognized entity on the global stage. IARC also enjoys full member status of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE).

Logos University® has undergone rigorous evaluation processes and has achieved intercontinental accreditation, consolidating its position as a reference in quality education. Our course programs, infrastructure, faculty, management, manuals and methodology have been carefully evaluated by quality inspectors at various levels.

UniLogos® maintains an unwavering commitment to academic excellence, evidenced by hundreds of publications in renowned scientific journals. Our productions include articles published in journals indexed by prestigious platforms such as SCOPUS, WoS and Qualis CAPES, the latter being the official evaluation of the Brazilian Ministry of Education.

Our goal is clear: to deliver the best education, based on global standards of quality and innovation.

Logos University Institutional Accreditation Certificate

Translation of the IARC Certificate issued by the National Government Accreditation Authority

Institutional accreditation documents in PDF format – Download here

IARC Strategic Partnerships

To learn about IARC’s strategic partnerships, visit:

Logos University®  holds International Accreditation from International Education Accreditation Council (IEAC) with Premier Status for its commendable Areas of Operation.

The International Education Accreditation Council (IEAC) is widely recognised both in the UK and internationally, and is notable for its membership of associations of major global relevance, including: the European Association for International Education (EAIE), the International Vocational and Technical Education Association (IVETA), the East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS), the British Quality Foundation (BQF), the International Association of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL), the Association of Arab Universities (AARU), the Accreditation Service for International Qualifications (ASIQUAL), the International Academic and Management Association (IAMA) and the Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée (AILA).

These partnerships reinforce the IEAC’s commitment to academic excellence, educational innovation and the development of global quality standards, solidifying its position as a prestigious institution in the international education scene.

Logos University® achieved one of the best rates in the international accreditation process. Our course programs, structure, faculty, board of directors, manuals and methodology have been evaluated by quality inspectors at all levels.

UniLogos® focuses on the quality of work, evidenced by hundreds of publications in high quality scientific journals. We have publications in newspapers with index SCOPUS, WoS and Qualis Capes (Regular evaluation of the Ministry of Education of Brazil)

IEAC Strategic Partnerships

To learn about IEAC’s strategic partnerships, visit:

📌 Logos University on the official IEAC website:

Logos University® is an associate member of INQAAHE and seeks to enhance its educational quality on a daily basis.

The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) is a world-wide association of 300+ organisations active in the theory and practice of quality assurance in higher education. The great majority of its members are quality assurance agencies that operate in many different ways, although the Network also welcomes (as associate members) other organisations that have an interest in QA in HE. 

INQAAHE offers members many services, including a Journal, a Bulletin, a Query service, a Good Practice database, funding for projects and funding for a Professional Qualification in QA. There are also Conferences and Fora at least annually.

Registration Ministry of Education of Brazil – Carolina Bori Platform

Brazil has a federative system of recognition that concentrates authorization and accreditation in the MEC – Ministry of Education. For Master’s and Doctoral programs, MEC has a division called CAPES – Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel.

Logos University® is registered with CAPES Division of International Higher Education Institutions under No. L498, has several diplomas recognized by Brazilian Universities through the official platform of the Federal Government.

ISO 9001:2015

The ISO 9001:2015 Standard encourages the quality of an organization’s processes, through the application of important requirements such as: planning activities, setting goals, implementing action plans and relationships with customers, suppliers and employees.

Logos University® after complying with all the quality requirements demanded by the ISO, won the Certificate of No. 1100968 valid until 2025.

BQS – Board of Quality Stardards

The Board of Quality Standards (BQS) is an independent international regulatory body focused on quality assurance and a member of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE). The organization operates autonomously, offering accreditation and certification in quality management based on ISO standards, in accordance with the requirements of ISO 17021. In addition, BQS stands out as a global network of experts in quality assurance and curriculum accreditation, providing a space for the exchange of good practices and innovation.

BQS’s main mission is to protect, promote and maintain high quality standards in educational institutions, ensuring that quality assurance practices are effective and appropriate to institutional needs. The International Advisory Council (IAC), BQS’s regulatory body, is responsible for the organization’s oversight and governance, ensuring that its operations are aligned with international guidelines and standards.

Furthermore, BQS strictly complies with the requirements of ISO 17021, ISO Guide 53, ISO Guide 65 and ISO Guide 67, established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). These standards, recognized by 159 countries, are accepted globally as a reference for accreditation and certification bodies, reinforcing the credibility and trust in the quality practices adopted by BQS.

Currently, BQS has agreements and is recognized by several renowned international organizations, such as: CONIES – Council on International Higher Education Supervision, SMRA – Saint Martin’s Center for Research & Accreditation Commission, World Accreditation Commission, International Education Board (UK), CTA – Pakistan’s Certified Tax Accountants™ (CTA), IEQAB – International Accreditation, CGAPUCA – Council of Global Accreditation for Private Universities and Colleges Association, TQSM – Total Quality Service Measurement, EIEAS – Education Accreditation Standard s, ACEEI, EEQA – EduTrust Education Quality Accreditation Association and HEAD – Higher Education Accreditation Division.

📌 Link to accredited institutions:

📌BQS on the official website of INQAAHE – The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education:


International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE)

The Logos University® is an Educational Member of the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE), An Educational Member of the IACBE is an academic business unit that has met the IACBE’s requirements for membership and has affirmed its commitment to excellence in business education. For more information on Educational Membership and the IACBE, please visit the IACBE website: 

📌 IACBE on the official website of CHEA (Council for Higher Education Accreditation):

📌 Logos University on the official website of IACBE: 

Double degree program with leading Universities

We are really concerned with higher-level educational quality and are seeking to expand our list of recognitions and accreditation every day.Our main objective is to offer a positive and real experience.
We bring together qualified professors and support the study in qualified scientific articles setting
the praxis of the professional future.